Monday, November 23, 2009

poems for the creatures

i saw a hummingbird nest. i wanted to make the birds fly so i threw a bat. they all died.

rattlesnake rattlesnake. you cant fuck with my shit. shotgun son.

it was a cold dark night. I slept with a rat. My feet made it die.

i was hunting lizard. i was hunting hard i fliped a log. the lizard smashed like a pancake.

zebra lady you had it good. desert bushes abounding. those dogs tooke your vagina and eye.

A seagul and a flying rock meet in the sky. The rock wins. Rock always wins.

one time i had a kitchen glove that looked like a trout. a turtle bite it. the turtle couldnt hold long.

two crows went two yosemite national park. they were making out in front of half dome. I watched.

the lizard was on the tree. it was a hot summer day. He got soaked in urine. it was cool and refreshing

those horses couldn't have any more offspring. The man came. I took a picture of the balls on my cellphone.

my mom bought a fake owl to scare away all the hot weather predators. a real owl came and tried to put the moves on the poser owl. the ants ate it.

this african fish was all gnarly. it had this sicst that grew worms out its forhead.

i was a marine saltwater fish enthusiast as a youngin'. I had beautiful creatures of mysticism. The secret crab grew from the live rock and ate the coral and the fish. The tank was destroyed with bleach.

there was this pug dog i gave it 7 bowls of pissed itself in bed.

Dexter, my best homies dog. You ruled that one time we were all drinkin beer out of the beer bong and you licked up the foam. You were wasted dude, pukin all over the pool tile.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

poems by Jordan

Have you ever met me? No you haven’t and you might wonder who I am. I will give you a clue. I usually use this computer to look at naked chicks doing dirty things with there assholes. You don’t know yet? Could this be your uncle Steve who works as maintenance in a trailer park? No fuck you.

In the bottom of the dungeon, I take bong rips. Its my destiny bro.
Grabbin fat tits like they were hamburgers
Pushing fat girls in bushs were you just pissed
nothing else is cool

this ones for all the kidos at the corte madera skatepark

Friday, November 13, 2009

welcome to BoobMansion

we are located on boss street, if you dont know that street then fuck you.
the residents of the mansion consist of handsome dudes, Jordan, Henry, Fat chris, Jamie, dingelbarry quin, and drunk trevin.