Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

a man walked into a hair store. The hair store said "may i see you ID?" the hair store noticed the hair color on the ID did not match his actual hair color. The long shiny lady in the corner started making smoke from the creases in her forehead. The man pretended not to notice because he felt it was rude to stare at rude people. It was a special day, the man had just become the proud father of a golden belbin troll. the shiny lady was still smoking and started dribbling..........a basket ball. the hair store told her she was disturbing the customers and that the customers were disturbing the hair store. Shiny lady grew chest hair and drank 5 anti energy drinks and procceded to slam dunk her basket ball into the mans ear drum. In slow motion he colapsed into himself like bear trap. The basket ball wasnt like any normal basket ball this one was shaped just like the earth. It was dark inside his ear, the stars were out and the basket ball floated. Shiny lady said let there be light. and she saw it was good.



Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

way big

yesterday i got up in the morning to get food.
i went to the bar and got beer and and chicken wraps. I then went to this place and got a charlie sheen action movie. so i had 1 bag of vhs and another bag of food(i did not finish the chicken) my pants were falling off while i was walking home. I saw this chinese lady that was all old so i went to pull my pants up. I then noticed my dick was out of my pants. She scurried to china town mumbling wow that was way bigger then wil Manville.
